El Gringo Loco

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Benvenidos al mundo de EGL
I am a sixteen year old male from Marietta, Georgia. I am a current member of Los Reyes De Latino(LK).


I would like to say mention a few of my friends...
Paco(rip), Diablo, Lupe, Adrianna, Maria...Jenni, Maria, Erica, Jasmin, Ankita, Erin, Chi Chi, Leslie, Jacque, Ashlee, Terry, Jeff, Phillip, Damian, Armando, Rodney, Fernando, Mike, Ivey, Angie, Lisa, Kenneth, Randal, LaQuenna, Jennifer, Jeremy, Brandon, Mitch, and Moose.

^/^/ !!!Amor De Corona!!! ^/^/
Cholos Para Vida


General Latin King Info
The Latin Kings/Queens are an oraganization consisting of primarly poeple of hispanic descent(some white and black members). We are trying to bring the deserved respect to our people. Latinos are always made to feel worthless, but yet we know we are true kings/queens and THAT IS HOW WE SHOULD BE TREATED, LIKE KINGS AND QUEENS...or at least with the same amount of respect as others. We shall not be a minority for long.
Viva La Raza
If you would like to learn more about me, check out my online diary at: http://www.teenopendiary.com/
My diary's name is latinluv


Mucho Amor Para Todos Mi Manitos Y Manitas
Continue holdin in down and keepin it real. We shall one day rise to our rightful place.
^/^/ ADR ^/^/

Black and Gold
Viva Latinos! ^/^/

All the cholos out there keepin it real, you are appreciated keep it up my brothers and sister.

Special Thanks
This isn't my picture but I would like to say that the person who drew this did a great job